Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Ruby+Associates was honored on Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 at MotorCity Casino, Detroit, during the American Council of Engineering Companies/Michigan annual Engineering and Surveying Excellence Awards ceremony. Ruby’s contributions to the New GM Truck Manufacturing Facility in Flint garnered an Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award and the evening’s People’s Choice Award; and David Ruby, PE, SE was honored with the 2019 Felix A. Anderson Image Award.
The GM Truck Manufacturing Facility project, one of only five to receive the Honorable Conceptor award, was entered in the Industrial and Manufacturing Processes and Facilities category. The project is an 840,000 square foot facility within the Flint Assembly complex for which Ruby provided structural design and steel shop fabrication drawings. Ruby’s integrated design/detailing process provided faster 3D coordination with follow-on trades and accelerated steel erection for our client, Barton Malow Company. Voted on by attendees at Saturday’s ceremony, the project was also recognized as “The People’s Choice Award” winner.
John Raad, PE / GM Project Manager remarked, “The scope and complexity of the project cannot be understated, and the collaborative efforts of the entire project team were evident in achieving the program goals. The ingenuity and expertise displayed by Ruby+Associates in devising solutions for many of the project challenges was instrumental in our success.”
David Ruby, PE, SE received the prestigious Felix A. Anderson Image Award during the ceremony. Nominees for this award are outstanding individuals who have contributed to enhancing the image of the profession. Nominees are perceived by the profession and in their communities as leaders and may demonstrate how their actions have positively impacted the public's understanding and appreciation of the engineering profession, their commitment to improving the awareness of engineer's contributions to "quality of life," encouraged programs that promote pride in engineering, and demonstrate how they have encouraged engineers to pursue leadership positions in the community and how they have worked to reward those engineers who take steps to improve the public image of the engineering profession.
“In practicing engineering, you really need to know about the business,” Dave remarked during his acceptance speech on March 2nd, 2019. “ACEC has provided tremendous guidance to me and my staff, and I’ve only gotten here because of the mentors I’ve had along the way and the staff of Ruby+Associates.”
30300 Telegraph Road, Suite 400Bingham Farms, MI 48025 220 Lyon Street NW, Suite 540
Grand Rapids, MI 49503