Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Ruby+Associates, Inc. is proud to announce that three new engineers and two summer interns have joined the firm.
Michael Duffield, PE joins Ruby as an Engineer II. Eric Hughes and Nick Dulak join Ruby with Engineer I positions. Derek McDanell and Carey Weaver will support the firm as interns through August 2019.
Michael Duffield joins Ruby after two years with a Detroit-area A/E firm as a Structural Engineer II. Prior to that, he worked with a Muskegon-area structural firm, and with two firms in San Francisco from 2014-2016. Duffield earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering with a Concentration in Engineering Enterprise from Michigan Technological University in 2009. In 2015, he received a Master of Science degree in Structural/Earthquake Engineering from San Francisco State University.
Eric Hughes is a 2018 graduate of the University of Windsor with a Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours and a Master of Applied Science/Civil Engineering degree, with a focus on Structural Engineering. Prior to joining Ruby, he served as a research assistant with the University of Windsor, and held a civil engineering co-op position with a Detroit-area construction company as a junior estimator. Hughes is registered as an Engineering Intern (EIT).
Nick Dulak graduated in 2015 from Michigan Technological University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, then attended Technical University, Dresden, Germany, receiving his Master of Science degree in Advanced Computational and Civil Structural Studies in 2018. Dulak served as an EIT with two Grand Rapids-area engineering firms prior to working as a structural engineer for OSJ Ingenieure in Hamburg, Germany in 2018-2019.
Derek McDanell, a Civil Engineering student at Purdue University, is expecting to graduate in May 2019. McDanell spent a semester in 2018 at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He worked as an undergraduate researcher with University of California, San Diego in 2018, and with the Indiana Department of Transportation as a bridge asset intern in 2017. He is co-chair and design leader of Purdue’s Steel Bridge Team.
Carey Weaver is a Civil Engineering student at Wayne State University, and is scheduled to graduate with his Bachelor of Science degree in 2020. He also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Student Integrated Curriculum from Western Michigan University. From 2003-2019, Weaver worked as the asbestos bankruptcy claim department head of a Farmington Hills-based law firm.
30300 Telegraph Road, Suite 400Bingham Farms, MI 48025 220 Lyon Street NW, Suite 540
Grand Rapids, MI 49503